Good Morning America: Napa on a Budget 2024?
Local Wally
Photo by Greg Frediani, Napa Designated Driver
Good Morning, America!
Everyone is talking about inflation and rising prices everywhere, from fast food to housing costs. Somewhere in the middle is wine tasting, once a cheap way to escape reality but sadly not immune to price increases to the point where a day of tastings in Napa can set you back hundreds of dollars. Yikes!
But there is a way to still do NAPA ON A BUDGET. Long time fans of my website know that my site was founded in 2007 when I collected every coupon and discount to be found for Napa wine tasting and put them all on one page. Two for One’s, free tastings, great deals, it was what Local Wally was all about. As the years went by the free tastings dried up with coupons soon to follow. Tasting fees skyrocketed beyond what a normal person could afford and Napa went from a fun escape to a luxury experience.
The Priority Wine Pass to the Rescue
Right as the coupons and phone apps faded I met up with the Priority Wine Pass, the two for one pass that’s good in Napa, Sonoma, Paso, and other key wine regions, the next best thing to a free coupon. With the annual pass you get unlimited two for one tastings at their winery partners, saving you $30, $40, $50 at every stop. Since the pass is only $44 (my exclusive offer, lowest price offered at this time) you can easily break even at the first winery and then pocket the savings at every stop thereafter - for a full year.
Wait - GMA Said Visa Signature has BOGO Deals in Sonoma?
Right, Good Morning America just ran a little blurb on how to do Wine Tasting on a Budget and mentioned the BOGO deals on the Visa Signature Card. If you have one of these cards make sure you google the deals. But I wouldn’t go get the Visa card just for the discounts as you know what a slippery slope it is to get another card,. They also mentioned the Priority Wine Pass which is very cool but DIDN’T mention that you can get the $69 pass for only $44 if you get it from me, Local Wally. The link is below - I currently have the cheapest price for the Priority Wine Pass and am one of their original partners and can vouch that this is the pass you want. Most of the deals on the Visa Signature Card are also on the Priority Wine Pass PLUS you get free concierge service with the wine pass to help you plan out your wine tasting adventure stop by stop based on what type of wineries you are looking for (and what budget, that’s important!). The concierge service is worth it alone - try calling Visa and asking them to plan out your trip. Go ahead, try it.
More Wineries Coming Every Day in Both Napa and Sonoma!
The Covid bounce over, Napa is settling into its new normal - or should I say, back to it’s old normal where healthy competition for visitors is the name of the game. They know that a normal Napa visitor can only visit three or four wineries a day and they want to make sure that theirs is on your list. That’s why so many wineries are opting to be part of the Priority Wine Pass family, offering two for one discounts to get you through their front door and earn your repeat visits in the future. Of course it doesn’t hurt if you join their club or buy their wines but that’s all optional. Here’s the complete list of wineries on the Priority Wine Pass with more being added every week. Some of the new ones include:
STERLING VINEYARDS: Newly reopened with a new tram, get a two for one and save $55. Self guided tour and stunning views at the top.
V SATTUI: One of Napa’s most popular picnic spots with their onsite deli, now two for one, save $55.
BEAULIEU VINEYARDS: BV is one of Napa’s most iconic wineries and just joined as two for one, save $55.
RUTHERFORD RANCH: Another hugely popular winery with a great picnic area, two for one, save $55.
CORNERSTONE: Love this lovely tasting room in Yountville and love them even more with a two for one, save $50.
There are so many new deals, too many to list here, so make sure you check the complete list before you arrive and remember that the Priority Wine Pass comes with FREE concierge service to help you plan out your trip. And I know the concierge very well - she’s my wife - and we work together to make sure that my readers get the very best trip and the biggest bang for their buck.
I guess I should tell you how to buy the pass - just CLICK HERE to get the pass with my discount. It should be $44, a normally $69 and the lowest price offered on the internet.
Just a typical Local Wally experience, sipping wine and picnicking in the vineyards
More Than Just Wineries: E-Bikes and More!
Don’t forget that the Priority Wine Pass also has deals on Hot Air Balloon rides, the Napa Wine Train, E-Bike Tours, and even hotels. It’s really a no brainer and I’m guessing you have a brain if you got this far. So don’t overthink it, it’s only $44 so how wrong can you go if you break even at your first winery?
Drivers, Large Groups, Bachelorette Parties, Wally to the Rescue
A lot of people forget that you can’t drink all day and expect to drive very well. I’m perhaps stating the obvious but a DUI is a real drag if you are on vacation so don’t risk it and let me connect you with a driver. I work with all levels of drivers, from Designated Drivers who can legally drive your rental, drives who were once tour guides but have branched out to drive you in their vehicles, to party busses and limos and even large coaches for corporate events. Just reach out to me and I’ll hook you up.
And yes, I have friends all over Napa who love my bachelorette parties, corporate groups, wedding groups (pre and post wedding events). If you have a big event and need help just reach out - I don’t charge to connect you to my friends. Don’t try to figure it out on your own, just let me hook you up with wineries that have a long track record of taking very good care of my groups. I even have private luxury experiences that will take you to exclusive winery destinations and treat you like VIPs, but without the huge price tag, as well as connections for fun experiences like wine tasting in a Tuk Tuk (don’t know that that is, just ask me!) to private chef lunches in the vineyards. Hey, basically whatever you want I can at least point you in the right direction so don’t be shy as I’m happy to help. And really, when was the last time you could actually communicate with the guy who wrote the website?
Thanks for reading this far and don’t forget to reach out to me for free and honest advice to help make your Napa trip the experience of a lifetime.